What a remarkable morning as, after over four years of living in Canada, today we were received as Permanent Residents of Canada! Tanya put much hard work into the application process, and our immigration official who received us today was a dual citizen (from the US originally) who so warmly and richly received us. We spent some time talking about Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and then the conversation turned to Michaelle Jean the remarkable Haitian woman who was a refugee and in time would become the 27th appointment (by the Queen of England) as Governor General of Canada, basically the highest office in the land. What a remarkable country to give opportunity for this noble woman to rise to such a position, especially in light of some of the grievous things said in recent days about Beloved Haiti. We also had to celebrate by going to Tim Horton's- what is more Canadian than that, eh?!
I thought a lot about my parents today who moved from Taiwan to the US in their mid-20s and some of what the land of my birth has meant to them as they were able to make a life of love and care for my sister and me in a strange and distant land that became home for them. The US has been quite good to them (and to us as well). Because we have been in Canada for a fair amount of time, should we pursue dual citizenship, our timeline has been expedited a bit, so that we could do so in two years.